Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm back! [Shock, horror.]

So yes I am finally back. You may attribute my lack of a laptop charger to my absence but in all honesty I've had a charger for a while now. After the first replacement not coming for over a month I ordered another which came in 4 days. So yes, I got my charger and basically was just a lazy bitch over the holiday period. Sorry! I figured it was a while after my last post and was dreading doing a new one. -sigh-

Guess what finally came in the mail 2 months late? The other charger I ordered. It didn't get pinched off my doorstep as I had suspected. But I am very sorely disappointed with the people I ordered the charger from. I'm willing to bet that they didn't post it til something like just before Christmas. I could prove it if I could read the stupid language on the customs slip!! I went back to eBay after I received the charger and left negative feedback. Like, goddamn people. Fuck you. At least I have a spare now.

Surprisingly I find myself with little to "rant" about since I am actually in a fairly good mood right now. I'm tired from being out all day organising things but the tiles are finally falling in my direction. I have a new flat in the main street, a new PO box, and a crap-ton of supplies to keep making pretty things with! I have to move in under 2 weeks and there's still all the packing and cleaning to do... I've been putting it off. Like, who wouldn't?? At least in the new place if I want some coke, all I have to do is run across the car park!!!

Rightio, I'm out. That's enough nonsensical typing for one day!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vendetta Red

That. Is. It. I have HAD it with KFC. It's only one store in particular I'm hating on, but I have decided to boycott the entire chain. Why? Every single time I have been to this one store in particular something negative happens. My order is wrong. I am overcharged. They make me ill. They need to realise that chicken is a fucking hazardous food and can make people seriously ill! I'm sick and tired of coming away from KFC, barely enjoying my food because they screwed it up and then waking the next morning with a green face, barely able to stand. This is the second time they have done this to me at this particular store and I have absolutely had it. I will nevermore eat KFC. From anywhere. Screw them, I'll go to Red Rooster for a chicken burger if I'm desperate. At least they haven't made me ill yet.

And the people they employ there? I have never seen a person over 17 working there. Where are the older managers to keep those kids in check? They shouldn't be hiding out the back if they are at all present. They need to be watching the juvenile delinquents in order to prevent cross-contamination, undercooked food and hell, even the kids spitting in the food. KFC, at least here, obviously do not care about the quality of the service and products that they provide people. It's all a big money game to them. "Oh hurr durr, we'll employ little kids on minimum wage and then instruct them to overcharge people. That'll get us rich, real good. HURR DURRR!!"

And on the subject of stupid people at stupid fast food joints... About a week ago my mother and I got a soft-serve cone at Hungry Jacks. Because, well.. The ice cream is better at Hungry Jacks. And the toilets too. Hell, even the pancakes are actually good. But while we were watching this silly buck-toothed 15 year old getting our ice cream, something got my attention... She was holding the cone with her bare hand! Then she decided to put a stupid Hungry Jacks paper holder thingy on it. I felt like saying "That isn't gonna go any good now, honey." That's like putting a condom on after sex, when the sperm are ALREADY fighting for thr egg. Talk about stupid! My mother and I then watched in horror as we saw the girl begin to bite her fingernails... And scratch her ass. I felt sick thinking about the other things she may have already done with her hands, without washing them.

Kudos to McDonalds for having napkins on their ice cream cones. Not ONCE have I seen a McDonalds employee (as underage and stupid as they are) handle a cone with their bare hands. That's not to say that they do other stupid shit in the kitchen, but I don't actually EAT at McDonalds so it's not a concern to me.

Anyway, back to the subject of Vendetta Red (which is a very nice hair colour, I will admit) -- it has recently come to my attention that one Etsy seller is being less than above-board. She is turning on people who don't buy from her, no longer valuing their friendship and degrading other people's stores. So, a friend doesn't buy from you, it's no reason to be a two-faced bitch. Maybe they don't need soap - they probably stocked up at Wal-mart last week when bulk packs of soap were on special! Just because someone doesn't buy from you, it doesn't give you the right to be mean to them. And especially after you get promoted by them. Also, don't be degrading other people's stores. A LOT of people who sell handmade items inject PASSION and PRIDE into their work. They don't need someone who is playing childish games screwing that up for them. If nobody will buy from you, don't try to take down your competitors. Have a look at what YOU yourself are doing wrong, and fix that. Or take a look at what other people are doing right and try to incorporate that into your work. But don't be using childish tactics that will get you burned. You have been warned by a CraftyBitch.

If anybody *ahem* who has been involved and offended by this little charade of this particular person wants to write a lovely little comment, perhaps a NAME AND SHAME... Go right ahead ;]

And just a little note, I'm terribly sorry about the lack of posts - for I know you all love a good bitch. At the moment I don't actually have access to a computer so it's hard for me to post, but once I get my laptop back I expect to be posting every other day.

So until then, ciao!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Did you not get the memo?

Dear all you poor, mistaken people on teh interwebz. This is an official announcement. Please go into your emails and enter into your contacts, so that any correspondence will not be directed to your spam folder. Why? Clearly some people didn't get the memo.

I hate it when people bitch about things on Facebook. I'm going to be a hypocrite here and use the whole hating on people thing as my first example. Last night someone posted a status bitching about someone not calling them. In fact, I'm sure a million people did. Is it not a well-known fact that people are freaking assholes? Don't bitch about things you can't help, especially when the facts are already apparent. The human race is flawed. Anybody who doesn't know this needs to be slapped upside the head with a bar fridge and check their spam filter.

Another thing that gets me with Facebook status updates - When people say FML about things. FML is a cool saying, and a cool site. But people take it too damn far. "I just broke a nail" is NOT a good status to follow up with "FML". These people need to find real issues and problems to be all FML about. Like rape. Or your granddad dying (in which cause it could be fuck his life). But not silly little things that you're going to live through.

Also on the subject of Facebook - seller copyright issues. On a day-to-day basis I see a lot of creations by Facebook sellers, and let's be honest, a lot of them have some bloody awesome stuff. But it saddens me when I see people blatantly using other people's ideas. There's a little thing out there, called appropriation. You see something someone's done and try to incorporate a similar technique, material etc into your own work. Call it gathering inspiration if you will. But to just up and do a REALLY trashy imitation of someone else's design, when it is their own intellectual property is NOT COOL! Fortunately I don't think I've had this happen to me. And I will admit there are certain circumstances where people arrive at the same idea - after all, everything has been thought before. But when you see a seller who you know is affiliated with someone else completely rip-off someone's designs, it's not appropriation, or gathering inspiration, it's attempting to steal someone else's business. Handmade creations are special and unique. They're not displayed to be ripped off and the idea cheapened.

For example, when checking out my referral URLs on ArtFire for -- let's say extensions: Many a time I've seen skull-print hair extensions. Now, let's be honest here - I don't think they're great. The pattern is blurry. But it IS a unique idea and one which I think is exceptionally cool. But I don't go around making skull-print extensions. I'm not going to go steal someone else's business using their idea just because I could do it better. I always use my own unique designs for my products - ones which I've taken the time to sketch out, and label and hell, even make prototypes for.

So anyway, before I leave you all, I have an idea. I should start making a name-and-shame list of all the copycat sellers on Facebook. If someone doesn't see this come into action, feel free to kick me in the butt cause I'll probably forget =]

I'm out.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Introductory Post

So, I'm here again. On Blogger. Big surprise there! That wasn't sarcasm >_> It's been a bloody long time since I've blogged.

I figured I'd better warn you now, this is like, my 5th blog in as many years. I never keep posting. Probably because I don't like the fact that everything I write is out there for everyone to see. And I get fed up with shit. I like variety and get tired of things easily.

Anyway, I started this blog, mostly as an outlet. A rant blog, if you will. Like most people, a lot of things tend to piss me off a lot, and I got sick of bitching all over Facebook.

So, I guess you wanna know something about me, huh? Well I'm not going to type about it. Go to my Facebook [link] and figure it out for yourself. If you can't tell, about me sections are things that piss me off fairly well. They're tedious to write and hardly ever accurate. So why bother? You have a brain, right? If not, too bad.

Fuck stuff, I like things. Things are better. Especially burning things. I'm a slight pyro, so deal with it. I also like cooking [my vegan cookies are AWESOME but I can't make pancakes for shit]. I tend to feel a little lost without my music and waste a lot of time on the internet. I'm just a fucked up little girl. You'll often find me covered in cuts and bruises. And yes, my name *IS* Tru, at least on the internet, and don't question that or try to tell me I'm lying. I don't lie. I don't do drugs, nor do I like them or people who use them. In the same way I'm a pill addict and a complete hypocrite. You can deal with that too. I like to make stuff. Expressing myself is one of the things I do worst. I've stopped writing and drawing because the things that flow from my pen scare me. Blah blah blah.

Anyway, I'm getting tired of typing. Actually, I'm tired in general, so I shall fuck off now. I'm sure I'll have a ton of things to bitch about when I decide to post next. Until then, adios.