Saturday, November 13, 2010

Introductory Post

So, I'm here again. On Blogger. Big surprise there! That wasn't sarcasm >_> It's been a bloody long time since I've blogged.

I figured I'd better warn you now, this is like, my 5th blog in as many years. I never keep posting. Probably because I don't like the fact that everything I write is out there for everyone to see. And I get fed up with shit. I like variety and get tired of things easily.

Anyway, I started this blog, mostly as an outlet. A rant blog, if you will. Like most people, a lot of things tend to piss me off a lot, and I got sick of bitching all over Facebook.

So, I guess you wanna know something about me, huh? Well I'm not going to type about it. Go to my Facebook [link] and figure it out for yourself. If you can't tell, about me sections are things that piss me off fairly well. They're tedious to write and hardly ever accurate. So why bother? You have a brain, right? If not, too bad.

Fuck stuff, I like things. Things are better. Especially burning things. I'm a slight pyro, so deal with it. I also like cooking [my vegan cookies are AWESOME but I can't make pancakes for shit]. I tend to feel a little lost without my music and waste a lot of time on the internet. I'm just a fucked up little girl. You'll often find me covered in cuts and bruises. And yes, my name *IS* Tru, at least on the internet, and don't question that or try to tell me I'm lying. I don't lie. I don't do drugs, nor do I like them or people who use them. In the same way I'm a pill addict and a complete hypocrite. You can deal with that too. I like to make stuff. Expressing myself is one of the things I do worst. I've stopped writing and drawing because the things that flow from my pen scare me. Blah blah blah.

Anyway, I'm getting tired of typing. Actually, I'm tired in general, so I shall fuck off now. I'm sure I'll have a ton of things to bitch about when I decide to post next. Until then, adios.

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